Where Can I Buy a Spider Monkey? Your Ultimate Guide to Finding Your New Primate Pal

Where can I buy a spider monkey? This is a question that many people interested in owning a spider monkey ask themselves. Spider monkeys are intelligent, social, and active primates that require a lot of care and attention. Before buying a spider monkey, it is important to understand their needs and the responsibilities that come with owning one.

Spider monkeys are not commonly sold in pet stores, and it can be challenging to find a reputable breeder. However, there are online resources available that can help you locate a breeder in your area. It is important to do your research and find a breeder who has experience with spider monkeys and who follows ethical breeding practices. Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that you have the necessary permits and licenses to own a spider monkey in your state or country.

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Key Takeaways

  • Spider monkeys are not commonly sold in pet stores, and finding a reputable breeder can be challenging
  • It is important to do your research and find a breeder who has experience with spider monkeys and who follows ethical breeding practices
  • Ensure that you have the necessary permits and licenses to own a spider monkey in your state or country

Understanding Spider Monkeys

Spider monkeys are one of the most popular monkeys to keep as pets. They are known for their small size and playful, mischievous nature. Spider monkeys are native to Central and South America, where they live in the tropical rainforests.

There are seven types of spider monkeys, and they are all New World monkeys. They are called spider monkeys because of their long, thin limbs and tail, which allow them to swing from tree to tree with ease.

Spider monkeys are social animals and live in groups of up to 30 individuals. They communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations, including screams, barks, and grunts.

The diet of spider monkeys consists mostly of fruit, leaves, and insects. They are important seed dispersers in the rainforest, as they eat fruit and then deposit the seeds elsewhere in their feces.

It is important to note that spider monkeys are not suitable as pets. They require specialized care and a large, naturalistic environment to thrive. They are also protected by international law, and it is illegal to buy or sell them as pets.

If you are interested in learning more about spider monkeys, consider visiting a zoo or wildlife sanctuary that houses them. You can observe them in their natural habitat and learn about their behavior and conservation status.

Spider Monkeys as Pets

I have always been fascinated by monkeys, and spider monkeys are no exception. They are intelligent, social animals that can make great pets if you are willing to put in the time and effort to care for them properly.

Before deciding to get a spider monkey as a pet, it is important to consider the attention and care they require. They are highly social animals and require a lot of attention and interaction with their owners. If you are not able to spend a significant amount of time with your pet monkey, then a spider monkey is not the right pet for you.

Housing is also an important consideration when it comes to spider monkeys. They require a large, secure enclosure with plenty of space to climb and play. It is important to provide them with a variety of toys and enrichment activities to keep them mentally stimulated and prevent boredom.

It is also important to consider the compatibility of spider monkeys with other pets. While they can get along with other animals, it is important to introduce them carefully and supervise their interactions to ensure everyone’s safety.

In conclusion, spider monkeys can make great pets for the right person who is willing to provide them with the attention, care, and housing they require. If you are considering getting a spider monkey as a pet, be sure to do your research and consult with a veterinarian and experienced monkey owner to ensure you are prepared for the responsibility.

Dietary Needs of Spider Monkeys

As a spider monkey owner, I know how important it is to provide them with a well-balanced diet to keep them healthy and happy. Spider monkeys are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. Their diet consists mostly of fruit, leaves, and insects.

Fruits are a big part of a spider monkey’s diet, and they love a variety of fruits such as bananas, mangos, oranges, and watermelon. Vegetables such as cucumbers, carrots, and corn on the cob are also great for them. However, it’s important to note that spider monkeys should not eat avocados or tomatoes as they can be toxic to them.

In addition to fruits and vegetables, spider monkeys also need protein in their diet. Monkey chow and dog food can be used as a protein source, but it’s important to make sure they are high-quality and specifically formulated for primates. Insects such as crickets and mealworms are also a great source of protein for spider monkeys.

It’s important to note that spider monkeys have specific dietary needs, and their diet should be carefully monitored. Providing a well-balanced diet is crucial to their overall health and well-being.

Health Concerns for Spider Monkeys

As a potential owner of a spider monkey, it is important to be aware of the health concerns that come with owning one of these animals. Here are some key things to keep in mind:

Zoonotic Diseases

One of the biggest concerns when it comes to owning any type of exotic animal is the risk of zoonotic diseases. Spider monkeys can carry a number of diseases that can be transmitted to humans, including herpes B. It is important to take precautions when handling your monkey and to always wash your hands thoroughly after touching them.

Health Guarantee

When purchasing a spider monkey, it is important to choose a reputable breeder who offers a health guarantee. This can give you peace of mind knowing that your monkey has been well-cared for and is healthy.


Spider monkeys, like all animals, require regular vaccinations to stay healthy. Make sure to keep up with your monkey’s vaccination schedule and to take them to the vet for regular check-ups.

Health Certificate

If you are purchasing a spider monkey from a breeder or from out of state, you will need to obtain a health certificate for your monkey. This document certifies that your monkey is healthy and free from any communicable diseases.


Spider monkeys can be susceptible to a variety of diseases, including respiratory infections, dental problems, and parasitic infections. It is important to keep your monkey’s living space clean and to take them to the vet at the first sign of any health issues.

Overall, owning a spider monkey can be a rewarding experience, but it is important to be aware of the potential health concerns that come with owning one of these animals. By taking proper precautions and working with a reputable breeder, you can help ensure that your monkey stays healthy and happy for years to come.

Buying a Spider Monkey

If you’re thinking about adding a spider monkey to your family, it’s important to know where to buy one and what to expect. As a virtual assistant, I can help you with that.

Where can I buy a spider monkey?

There are a few options for buying a spider monkey. One option is to purchase from a reputable breeder. Tamed Monkey Breeders is a well-known breeder that specializes in monkey breeding and rehoming. They have a website where you can browse their available spider monkeys for sale.

Another option is to look for spider monkeys for sale from private sellers. You can search online classifieds or social media groups to find private sellers in your area. However, it’s important to be cautious when dealing with private sellers. Make sure to ask for proof of vaccination and health records before making a purchase.

How much does a spider monkey cost?

The cost of a spider monkey can vary depending on where you purchase it from and the age of the monkey. Baby spider monkeys are typically more expensive than older monkeys. On average, a spider monkey can cost anywhere from $9,500 to $11,500.

What should I know before buying a spider monkey?

Before buying a spider monkey, it’s important to do your research and make sure you’re prepared for the responsibility of owning a monkey. Spider monkeys require a lot of attention and care, and they can live up to 25 years in captivity.

Make sure to check with your local laws and regulations to ensure that owning a spider monkey is legal in your area. You’ll also need to make sure you have the appropriate permits and licenses.

It’s also important to consider the long-term costs of owning a spider monkey. In addition to the initial purchase price, you’ll need to factor in the cost of food, housing, and veterinary care.

Can I buy a spider monkey from a pet store?

It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to find a spider monkey for sale at a pet store. Monkeys are considered exotic animals and are not typically sold in pet stores. It’s important to be cautious of any pet store that claims to sell spider monkeys, as they may not be a reputable seller.

In conclusion, buying a spider monkey requires careful consideration and preparation. Make sure to do your research and purchase from a reputable seller. Owning a spider monkey can be a rewarding experience, but it’s important to be prepared for the responsibility that comes with it.

Legalities of Owning a Spider Monkey

As with any exotic pet, owning a spider monkey comes with legal responsibilities. Before you decide to purchase a spider monkey, it is important to understand the legalities involved.

First and foremost, it is important to note that owning a spider monkey is illegal in some states. In fact, it is illegal to own a monkey in 19 states, including California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, and Wyoming.

If you live in a state where it is legal to own a spider monkey, you will still need to obtain the necessary permits and licenses. These permits and licenses are typically issued by state wildlife agencies and are required to ensure that owners are properly equipped to care for their spider monkeys.

In addition to obtaining the necessary permits and licenses, spider monkey owners must also comply with federal laws regulating the import and export of exotic animals. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) regulates the international trade of spider monkeys and other endangered species.

It is also important to note that spider monkeys are considered endangered in the wild and are protected under the Endangered Species Act. This means that owning a spider monkey requires a higher level of responsibility and care to ensure the animal’s well-being and to prevent further endangerment of the species.

In summary, owning a spider monkey requires compliance with state and federal laws, obtaining necessary permits and licenses, and a higher level of responsibility and care due to the animal’s endangered status.

Housing Requirements for Spider Monkeys

When it comes to housing a spider monkey, it is important to provide them with a comfortable and safe environment where they can live and play. Here are some of the housing requirements that you need to consider before buying a spider monkey:

Cage Size

Spider monkeys are active and playful animals, so they require a lot of space to move around. The cage should be large enough for the monkey to climb, swing, and jump around. The minimum size of the cage should be 6 feet high, 8 feet wide, and 10 feet long. However, the larger the cage, the better it is for the monkey.

Cage Material

The cage should be made of strong and durable materials that can withstand the monkey’s strength and agility. The best materials for the cage are stainless steel or powder-coated steel. The bars of the cage should be no more than 1 inch apart to prevent the monkey from escaping or getting stuck.

Cage Accessories

Spider monkeys are intelligent animals that need mental stimulation and enrichment. The cage should have various accessories such as ropes, swings, ladders, and toys to keep the monkey entertained and engaged. The accessories should be made of non-toxic materials and should be safe for the monkey to play with.

Indoor and Outdoor Space

Spider monkeys need both indoor and outdoor space to live comfortably. The indoor space should be warm, dry, and well-ventilated, while the outdoor space should be shaded and protected from the elements. The monkey should have access to both spaces at all times, and the outdoor space should be enclosed to prevent the monkey from escaping.

Cleaning and Maintenance

The cage should be cleaned and maintained regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and odors. The monkey’s food and water bowls should be cleaned daily, and the cage should be deep cleaned at least once a week. The cage should also be inspected regularly for any signs of wear and tear, and any damaged or broken parts should be replaced immediately.

In conclusion, housing a spider monkey requires a lot of space, materials, and accessories to keep them happy and healthy. It is important to provide them with a safe and comfortable environment where they can live and play.

Specific Spider Monkey Species

As I researched where to buy a spider monkey, I came across various species of spider monkeys. Each species has unique characteristics that make them different from one another. Here are some of the most common spider monkey species:

Black Spider Monkey

The Black Spider Monkey, also known as the Guiana or Red-faced Spider Monkey, is native to eastern South America, specifically the regions north of the Amazon River. They are known for their black fur and distinctive red face. They are social animals and live in groups of up to 35 individuals. Black Spider Monkeys are arboreal and spend most of their time in trees.

Brown Spider Monkey

The Brown Spider Monkey, also known as the Variegated Spider Monkey, is native to Central and South America. They have brown fur with a white or yellow patch on their forehead. They are known for their long, prehensile tail, which they use to grasp onto branches. Brown Spider Monkeys are also arboreal and live in groups of up to 30 individuals.

White-bellied Spider Monkey

The White-bellied Spider Monkey is native to Central and South America. They have black fur with a white belly and throat. They are known for their long, slender limbs and prehensile tail. White-bellied Spider Monkeys are arboreal and live in groups of up to 35 individuals.

Peruvian Spider Monkey

The Peruvian Spider Monkey is native to the Amazon rainforest in Peru. They have brown fur with a black face and hands. They are known for their long, prehensile tail and their ability to make loud vocalizations. Peruvian Spider Monkeys are arboreal and live in groups of up to 30 individuals.

Geffroy’s Spider Monkey

Geffroy’s Spider Monkey, also known as the Red-faced Spider Monkey, is native to Central and South America. They have black fur with a red face and hands. They are known for their long, prehensile tail and their ability to make loud vocalizations. Geffroy’s Spider Monkeys are arboreal and live in groups of up to 35 individuals.

Capuchin Monkey

Capuchin Monkeys are not spider monkeys, but they are often confused with them due to their similar appearance. They are native to Central and South America and are known for their distinctive “cap” of fur on their head. Capuchin Monkeys are intelligent and social animals that live in groups of up to 40 individuals.

Marmoset Monkey

Marmoset Monkeys are also not spider monkeys, but they are commonly kept as pets. They are native to South America and are known for their small size and unique appearance. Marmoset Monkeys are social animals that live in groups of up to 15 individuals.

Tamarin Monkey

Tamarin Monkeys are small, arboreal primates native to Central and South America. They are known for their distinctive mustache-like facial hair. Tamarin Monkeys are social animals that live in groups of up to 13 individuals.

Finger Monkey

Finger Monkeys, also known as Pygmy Marmosets, are the smallest monkeys in the world. They are native to South America and are known for their small size and adorable appearance. Finger Monkeys are social animals that live in groups of up to 9 individuals.

Pocket Monkey

Pocket Monkeys, also known as Dwarf Marmosets, are native to South America. They are known for their small size and adorable appearance. Pocket Monkeys are social animals that live in groups of up to 15 individuals.

Spider Monkey Age and Maturity

As potential spider monkey owners, it’s important to understand the age and maturity of these amazing primates.

Spider monkeys typically live for around 20-25 years in captivity, but can live up to 40 years in the wild. When purchasing a spider monkey, it’s important to consider the long-term commitment you are making to their care and well-being.

In terms of sexual maturity, female spider monkeys can reach maturity as early as 3-4 years old, while males may not reach maturity until they are 5-7 years old. It’s important to note that breeding spider monkeys in captivity requires specialized knowledge and should only be done by experienced professionals.

If you are considering purchasing a young spider monkey, it’s important to understand the care and attention they require. Young monkeys require a lot of socialization and interaction to develop properly, and should not be left alone for extended periods of time. It’s also important to note that spider monkeys are highly intelligent and require mental stimulation to prevent boredom and destructive behavior.

Overall, understanding the age and maturity of spider monkeys is essential when considering them as pets. With proper care and attention, these amazing primates can make wonderful companions for those willing to make the long-term commitment to their well-being.

Spider Monkey Adoption and Rehoming

If you are looking to add a spider monkey to your family, adoption may be a great option for you. Not only do you provide a loving home for a monkey in need, but you also help support organizations that work to rescue and rehabilitate these amazing animals.

One organization that offers spider monkey adoption is the Toucan Rescue Ranch. By adopting a spider monkey, you can help support their rescue and rehabilitation efforts. The adoption package includes a certificate of adoption, a photo of the monkey, and information about their story and background.

It is important to note that spider monkeys are not pets and require specialized care. Before adopting a spider monkey, make sure you are prepared to provide the necessary care and attention they need. Additionally, it is important to research and understand the laws and regulations surrounding monkey ownership in your area.

If you are unable to adopt a spider monkey but still want to help, consider supporting organizations that work to rescue and rehabilitate these animals. You can also help raise awareness about the importance of protecting spider monkeys and their habitats.

Overall, spider monkey adoption can be a rewarding experience for both you and the monkey. By providing a loving home and supporting organizations that work to protect these animals, you can make a positive impact on their lives and the environment.

Spider Monkey Breeders and Locations

If you are looking to buy a spider monkey, you may want to consider contacting a reputable breeder. Here are some locations where you might find spider monkey breeders:

  • Brazil: Spider monkeys are native to Brazil, so it’s possible that you may be able to find a breeder in this country.
  • South America: Spider monkeys are also found in other parts of South America, so you might want to consider looking for breeders in countries like Peru.
  • Southern Mexico: Spider monkeys are also found in southern Mexico, so you might want to consider looking for breeders in this region.
  • Florida: There are a few breeders in Florida that specialize in exotic animals, including spider monkeys.
  • Tennessee: There are also a few breeders in Tennessee that specialize in exotic animals, including spider monkeys.
  • Texas: Texas is another state where you might be able to find spider monkey breeders.

When looking for a breeder, it’s important to do your research and make sure that you are dealing with a reputable and responsible breeder. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Ask for references: A good breeder should be able to provide you with references from other customers who have purchased animals from them.
  • Check their credentials: Make sure that the breeder is licensed and has the proper permits to breed and sell exotic animals.
  • Visit in person: If possible, visit the breeder’s facility in person to see how the animals are kept and cared for.
  • Ask questions: Don’t be afraid to ask the breeder questions about their breeding practices, the health of the animals, and any other concerns you may have.

Remember that owning a spider monkey is a big responsibility and requires a lot of time, effort, and resources. Make sure that you are prepared to provide the proper care and environment for your new pet before making a purchase.

Interacting with Your Spider Monkey

Now that you have bought a spider monkey, it is time to start interacting with your new pet. Spider monkeys are social animals, and they require a lot of attention and care. In this section, I will provide you with some tips on how to interact with your spider monkey.

Toys for Your Spider Monkey

Spider monkeys are very intelligent animals, and they require mental stimulation to keep them happy and healthy. You should provide your spider monkey with a variety of toys to play with. Some good options include puzzle feeders, balls, and ropes. You can also provide your spider monkey with a scratching post or a climbing tree.

Training Your Spider Monkey

Training your spider monkey is essential to ensure that it behaves properly. You should start by teaching your spider monkey basic commands such as “sit” and “stay.” You can use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats and praise to encourage good behavior. It is important to be patient and consistent when training your spider monkey.

Caring for a Cute Baby Monkey

If you have a baby spider monkey, you will need to provide it with extra care and attention. Baby spider monkeys require frequent feedings and diaper changes. You should also provide your baby spider monkey with a warm and comfortable environment.

Hiring a Monkey Nanny

If you are unable to provide your spider monkey with the attention and care it needs, you may want to consider hiring a monkey nanny. A monkey nanny can provide your spider monkey with the attention and care it needs while you are away.

In conclusion, interacting with your spider monkey requires patience, attention, and care. By providing your spider monkey with toys, training, and a comfortable environment, you can ensure that it is happy and healthy. If you are unable to provide your spider monkey with the attention and care it needs, you may want to consider hiring a monkey nanny.

Cost and Security Considerations

As I was researching where to buy a spider monkey, I found out that the cost of owning one is quite expensive. Prices can vary depending on the individual monkey’s age, health, and temperament, but typically range from $2,000 to $10,000. Just buying a pet spider monkey is likely to cost a minimum of $10,000 and often more. Capuchin monkeys—the kind you see with organ grinders—are more expensive than most monkeys on account of their remarkable intelligence.

It’s important to note that owning a spider monkey is not just expensive, but it also requires a lot of security measures. Spider monkeys are intelligent and curious animals that require a lot of attention and care. They can easily get into trouble if they are not supervised, and they can be dangerous when they feel threatened. Therefore, it’s essential to have a secure and safe enclosure for your pet monkey.

When considering purchasing a spider monkey, you should also be aware of the legal requirements and regulations in your area. In some states and countries, it is illegal to own a spider monkey as a pet. It’s crucial to research the laws and regulations in your area before making a purchase.

In addition to the initial cost of purchasing a spider monkey, you should also consider the ongoing expenses of owning one. These expenses include food, veterinary care, and other supplies. Spider monkeys require a specialized diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and protein sources. You should also be prepared to provide regular veterinary care and vaccinations to ensure your pet’s health and wellbeing.

Overall, owning a spider monkey can be an expensive and challenging responsibility. It’s essential to consider the cost and security considerations before making a purchase. It’s also crucial to research the laws and regulations in your area to ensure that owning a spider monkey is legal. If you’re ready for the challenge and expense of owning a spider monkey, be sure to do your research and provide the best possible care for your pet.

Famous Spider Monkeys

As I was researching where to buy a spider monkey, I came across some interesting information about famous spider monkeys. These primates have captured the hearts of many people, and their unique personalities and behaviors have made them stand out from other animals.

One famous spider monkey is Fiona, who lives at the San Diego Zoo. Fiona is a female spider monkey who is known for her playful and curious nature. She loves to swing from branch to branch and interact with visitors at the zoo.

Another famous spider monkey is Keila, who lives at the Chimp Haven sanctuary in Louisiana. Keila is a male spider monkey who was rescued from a research lab and now enjoys a life of freedom and companionship with other primates.

Marco is a spider monkey who was rescued by Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary in Florida. He was found living in a small cage in someone’s backyard and was in poor health. With the help of the sanctuary, Marco has made a full recovery and now enjoys living with other spider monkeys in a natural habitat.

Cora is a famous spider monkey who was featured in the documentary “Monkey Kingdom.” She lives in the jungles of Sri Lanka and is known for her unique ability to catch fish from the river.

While these famous spider monkeys have unique stories, it is important to remember that spider monkeys should not be kept as pets. They are highly social animals and require specialized care and attention. It is best to leave them in the wild or in the care of experienced professionals at zoos or sanctuaries.

If you are interested in supporting spider monkeys, consider donating to organizations that work to protect their habitats and promote conservation efforts. By doing so, you can help ensure that these amazing animals continue to thrive for generations to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find spider monkeys for sale?

If you’re looking to buy a spider monkey, there are several places where you can find them for sale. You can check online marketplaces, such as petofparadise or Tamed Monkey Breeders, or look for local breeders or pet stores that specialize in exotic animals. However, it is important to note that buying a spider monkey is not as easy as buying a regular pet, and you should do your research to ensure that you are buying from a reputable source.

What is the average cost of a spider monkey?

The cost of a spider monkey can vary depending on several factors, such as the age, gender, and location of the monkey. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $8,000 to $15,000 for a spider monkey. However, some breeders may charge more or less depending on the circumstances.

What states allow ownership of spider monkeys?

The laws regarding owning a spider monkey vary from state to state. Some states, such as New York and California, have strict laws regarding the ownership of exotic animals, including spider monkeys. Other states, such as Florida and Texas, have more lenient laws and allow the ownership of spider monkeys with the proper permits and licenses. It is important to check with your local animal control or wildlife agency to determine the laws in your area.

What is the lifespan of a spider monkey?

Spider monkeys have a relatively long lifespan compared to other primates. In captivity, they can live up to 25 years or more if they receive proper care and nutrition. In the wild, their lifespan is typically shorter due to predation and other environmental factors.

Are spider monkeys legal to own as pets?

The legality of owning a spider monkey as a pet varies depending on the state and local laws. In some areas, it is legal to own a spider monkey with the proper permits and licenses. However, in other areas, it is illegal to own any exotic animal, including spider monkeys. It is important to research the laws in your area before considering owning a spider monkey.

Can I still buy a spider monkey?

Yes, it is still possible to buy a spider monkey. However, it is important to note that owning a spider monkey is a big responsibility and requires a lot of time, effort, and resources. Before buying a spider monkey, you should consider whether you have the space, time, and financial resources to properly care for the monkey. You should also research the laws in your area to ensure that you are legally allowed to own a spider monkey.

Harvey Wells

I am an intense cool pets lover. I have tortoises, tarantulas and a few other exotic pets. And I would love to share what I have learned.

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