Three cats tussled over a tiny bed, and even with three beds, Finally, the clever owner came up with a solution

Cats and dogs are just like little kids, sharing isn’t in their nature!

Ryoko Komine, a Japanese pet owner, has four feline friends. While shopping at IKEA, she found an adorable mini bed and decided to bring it home for her cats.

She wasn’t expecting much, knowing well that cats can be picky – sometimes preferring a simple cardboard box over the comfiest of beds.

But to her surprise, this mini bed became an instant hit. Three of her cats were constantly fighting over it.

One day, she caught two of them brawling on the bed, reminding her of the chaotic scenes in Japanese supermarkets at the start of the pandemic, where people were frantically grabbing toilet paper.

The situation with the bed was like something out of a soap opera, where three brothers fall for the same girl, throwing brotherhood out the window as they vie for her attention.

Not wanting to see their bonds break over a bed, the generous owner bought two more identical beds. But that didn’t solve the problem.

With limited space at home, the three beds ended up side by side, leading to yet another turf war over this mega-bed.

It was clear none of the cats wanted to share. Each seemed to think, “Why settle for one bed when I can sprawl across three?”

The three feline overlords frequently got into skirmishes over the beds, with the family’s timid poodle always keeping a safe distance, silent and watchful.

But it’s understandable – cats crave their own space, just like us.

So, the owner got creative again, mounting the three beds on the wall at staggered heights.

This did the trick! Each cat had its own wall bed, doubling as a climbing frame. Harmony was restored, and they even started casually checking in on their vertical neighbors.

Ever have your cats squabble over their favorite nap spots? Mine seem peaceful, but they sure love to fight for the prime spot on my lap!

Harvey Wells

I am an intense cool pets lover. I have tortoises, tarantulas and a few other exotic pets. And I would love to share what I have learned.

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