20 of the Funniest Cat Jokes

1. Why was the cat sitting on the computer?

It wanted to keep an eye on the mouse!

2. What do cats like to eat for breakfast?

Mice Krispies!

3. Why don’t cats play poker in the jungle?

Too many cheetahs!

4. What do you call a pile of kittens?

A meow-tain!

5. What’s a cat’s favorite color?


6. Why was the cat so agitated?

Because it was in a bad mewd!

7. What do you call a cat that was caught by the police?

The purr-petrator!

8. How do cats end a fight?

They hiss and make up!

9. What do cats wear to sleep?


10. Why did the cat run from the tree?

Because it was afraid of the bark!

11. Why don’t cats like online shopping?

They prefer a cat-alogue.

12. What do you call a cat that loves to bowl?

An alley cat!

13. Why was the cat afraid of the tree?

Because of its bark.

14. How do cats resolve their arguments?

They always paws for thought.

15. What’s a cat’s favorite magazine?

Good Mousekeeping.

16. Why do cats always get their way?

They are very purr-suasive.

17. What do cats use to make coffee?

A purr-colator.

18. What do you call a cat who lives in an igloo?

An eskimew!

19. Why was the cat sitting on the computer?

To keep an eye on the mouse!

20. What’s it called when all the cats in a neighborhood get together?

A block paw-ty!

Harvey Wells

I am an intense cool pets lover. I have tortoises, tarantulas and a few other exotic pets. And I would love to share what I have learned.

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