A stray cat standing in the middle of a road, blocking pedestrians with its body, turned out to have a heartwarming reason that brought tears to people’s eyes

You might have seen beggars asking for food or kids stopping you for candy, but have you ever seen a stray cat blocking people in the street? What made this usually skittish stray cat seek out human help?

On a sweltering summer day, a guy was biking home when he saw a stray cat squatting in the road. Stray cats usually bolt at the sight of people, but this one didn’t budge, even as he biked right up to it.

He was about to ride off when the cat meowed and headed towards the roadside, looking back and meowing as if to say, “Follow me.”

Sensing something was up, he parked his bike and trailed the cat, which ran off only to return, seemingly impatient with his pace.

A few minutes later, they arrived at a weedy area, and that’s when he realized why the cat had stopped him – it was a plea for help for its kittens.

He found a seemingly lifeless kitten in the bushes, with two others barely hanging on. The cat mother, in a heart-wrenching scene, licked the lifeless kitten and looked at him as if begging for help.

When he checked, he was astonished to find a faint heartbeat – the mother cat knew her kitten wasn’t dead and had done everything to save it.

He quickly tried to revive the kitten, even giving it water, and rushed it to a pet hospital. Pedaling hard, he prayed the kitten would make it.

At the hospital, the vet found the kitten was severely dehydrated. Just in time, he thought, as a delay of even half a day could have been fatal. Relieved, he told the vet about the other cats and got a carrier.

He raced back to find the mother and other kittens waiting, possibly hoping for good news. To his surprise, the mother cat willingly entered the carrier, knowing her kitten was safe inside.

Back at the hospital, the mother and kittens were checked. Apart from a minor skin issue, they were healthy.

Seeing how caring and adorable they were, he decided to adopt them. He had already set up a cozy space at home with toys and a climbing frame.

The mother cat stretched out, perhaps realizing that her family wouldn’t have to struggle anymore. She seemed ready to spend her life thanking the man who saved them.

This story shows that maternal love, whether in humans or cats, is powerful and moving. Even in the face of danger, mothers will do anything for their kids.

This incident with a stray cat reminds us to treat these creatures with more kindness and empathy, especially considering their feelings when they are harmed.

Harvey Wells

I am an intense cool pets lover. I have tortoises, tarantulas and a few other exotic pets. And I would love to share what I have learned.

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