A guy climbed up a tree to rescue an orange cat, and to his surprise, found another cat, a calico, chilling there: “No rush, I’m cool.”

Nowadays, life’s better, but there’s a growing number of cats that haven’t got a clue about tree climbing.

When Kelo, a cat rescuer, got called for a “cat in a tree” situation, he expected just the caller’s orange cat up there. But lo and behold, there was a calico cat too!

Kelo, with his five years in the cat-saving biz, has seen plenty of tree-trapped kitties. Most don’t seem to get the concept of climbing down, always going up.

Take that orange cat up the tree, meowing its head off. It was almost at the treetop, no wonder its human couldn’t figure out where the cries were coming from.

Why these two ended up in the treetops? Well, judging from their perched heights, it looked like the orange cat got chased up there by the calico, and then both couldn’t figure out the way down.

Haha, just a guess, though, as the two didn’t meet after the rescue. So, we’re assuming the cozy, plump orange one was the chasee.

But here’s the twist: halfway up, Kelo spots this calico on another tree. They lock eyes for a bit, all while the orange cat’s in panic mode up top.

Calico cats, man, they’re something else. Quiet, but then they pull these hilarious stunts, earning them the nickname “clown cats”.

But don’t get it twisted; these calicos can be cooler than most. Like the one on the branch, not a peep, just curious about Kelo stuck in the tree.

Meanwhile, the calico glances at the orange cat’s frantic meowing, almost like it’s tempted to join in.

Orange cat: “Meow~ Help me, I’m scared, I hate heights.”

Calico cat: “Chill, will ya! Can’t you see help’s on the way, dummy?”

Did the calico get Kelo’s “instructions”? When he told it to stay put, it did. Told it to come closer, and it actually sidestepped towards him.

And when Kelo finally got a hold of it, the cat just released its grip on the branch, looking more confused than pleased.

Calico cat: “Uh… why me first? Why not climb higher? Why’s he so nice? What’s my deal here?”

Orange cat: “Meow~ What’s your problem? Aren’t you supposed to save me? I’m still up here, my human called you for me, not for it!”

So, Kelo decides to save the calico first, tuning out the increasingly desperate calls from the orange cat. He plans to get the calico down before heading back up.

But when he’s back on the ground, ready to cozy up to the calico, it just bolts, leaving him with a vanishing view. They didn’t even get to exchange names.

Finally, the orange cat gets its turn. But this one’s a handful, even bites Kelo!

With no other choice, Kelo has to talk it down, fearing the cat might risk a dangerous jump.

After a solid ten minutes of convincing, Kelo snatches the orange cat as it shifts its stance and quickly secures it in the net.

On the way down, the orange cat tries to bust out of the net. It only settles down when its human hugs it through the net.

So, a word to the wise for cat owners who let their felines roam: be careful. If your kitty ends up stuck in a tree, finding a tree-climbing, cat-saving pro like Kelo won’t be easy.

Harvey Wells

I am an intense cool pets lover. I have tortoises, tarantulas and a few other exotic pets. And I would love to share what I have learned.

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