7 Signs Your Kitty Is a Silly Genius

Cats appear very smart, but some are quite different. They are adorably silly with low intelligence. Cats with low IQ often exhibit these characteristics, hopefully, your kitty is not one of them!

Fighting with Their Reflection in the Mirror

What are the signs of a cat with low intelligence? Well, one classic behavior is not recognizing themselves in a mirror. They think the cat in the mirror is an enemy and go into attack mode.

As an owner watches this scene, they can’t help but laugh. How can a cat be so silly? But, even though they’re a bit goofy, they’re still quite adorable. Does your cat do this too?

Chewing on Everything

Smart cats can sniff something and know whether it’s edible or not. But, the less intelligent ones? They resort to a more primitive method: chewing on everything in sight.

They keep munching until they either can’t digest it and it passes through, or they end up vomiting it. This behavior is a clear sign that your cat’s intelligence might not be top-notch. It’s important to keep things your cat might find interesting but shouldn’t eat out of reach.

Not Burying Their Poop

Speaking of burying poop, isn’t this a skill every cat possesses? Think again! Some less bright cats don’t even know how to bury their own poop. Funny, isn’t it? However, there are also cats that intentionally don’t bury their waste.

It could be due to a lack of litter, or they feel so secure in their environment that they don’t fear predators. Cats bury their waste to conceal their scent, so not doing so can indicate a lack of instinct or just a high level of comfort in their surroundings.

Can’t Find Things If Moved

Smart cats use their sense of smell to navigate, so even if you move their food bowl or litter box, they’ll quickly locate it. However, cats with lower intelligence are different.

They act as if they’ve gone blind, unable to find where you’ve moved their things. They might even go so far as to do their business in the original spot where the litter box used to be. Frustrating, isn’t it?

Not Knowing How to Open Doors

Highly intelligent cats often learn by watching their owners open doors. If you’re lucky, you might suddenly find your cat has learned to open a room door by itself. However, the less clever cats won’t manage this.

They patiently wait for their owner to open the door for them. But this is actually one of the perks of having a less bright cat; you don’t have to worry about them figuring out how to open a door and possibly running outside on their own.

Not Seeking Help When Hungry

Intelligent cats, when hungry, will either rummage through containers themselves or seek help from their owners. But less bright cats are different. They would rather starve than figure out how to remind their owner to feed them. It’s both pitiful and frustrating. How can a cat be so clueless!

Repeating the Same Mistakes

Have you ever encountered a cat that keeps making the same mistake? Despite being taught many times, it still errs in the same way. This indicates that your cat might not be very bright. Alternatively, it could mean your training methods aren’t impactful enough, leading the cat to disregard the lessons and repeat its mistakes.

If your cat keeps making the same mistakes, it’s time to be more stern. Don’t just laugh it off. Seriously let them know that their behavior is unacceptable. There’s no need for lengthy lectures; they won’t understand.

A simple ‘No’ or similar words of prohibition should suffice. And when they do something praiseworthy, immediately praise them. This reinforces that such behavior is correct and desirable.

Harvey Wells

I am an intense cool pets lover. I have tortoises, tarantulas and a few other exotic pets. And I would love to share what I have learned.

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