Adopted a ‘blind’ stray cat, but surprisingly, it ended up opening its eyes

Meet Simba, an orange cat with a tough past. Simba was left to fend for himself after falling ill, struggling to survive on the streets, weak and blind.

A good Samaritan found him, feeding him canned food, which he devoured. It was heart-wrenching to see, as if he hadn’t eaten in ages.

A vet visit revealed Simba had feline scabies, caused by mites burrowing in his skin. This called for daily medicated baths and ointment. Simba was in bad shape, needing extra nutrients to recover.

Thanks to his new owner’s loving care, Simba’s eyes gradually opened again. He gazed at the one who scooped his litter with gratitude.

With time, the scabies mites were defeated, and Simba shed his scaly skin. His past hardships made him appreciate his new life even more.

Nothing beats the joy of witnessing a life get a second chance.

Harvey Wells

I am an intense cool pets lover. I have tortoises, tarantulas and a few other exotic pets. And I would love to share what I have learned.

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