Sharing Neighbor’s Cat

Have you ever lived in a small town, where life moves at a slower pace and the streets are less crowded? If you have, you might have experienced the delightful visits from a neighbor’s cat.

In these quaint settings, many cats possess exceptional social skills. They’re not just friendly; they’re the kind that can make themselves at home in any house. These furry socialites have a knack for dining at different homes, becoming the darlings of the entire street.

There’s a saying that goes, “It’s okay if I don’t have a cat, as long as my neighbor has one.” Isn’t that a charming thought? These cats roam from door to door, sharing their affection and brightening everyone’s day. Have you ever encountered such a friendly feline in your neighborhood?

Regular Visitor

One day, a netizen discovered a beautiful white cat in their yard. The cat, as if seeing an old friend, ran up to them eagerly.

Seeing such a cute kitty, the netizen quickly fed it some tasty treats. Initially, they thought it was a stray, but after having its fill, the cat headed home. It turned out its home was nearby.

From that day on, the cat visited them daily. It would meow at their yard, trying to grab their attention. Sometimes, it even went as far as to tap on their window.

If the netizen wasn’t home, the cat would patiently wait in the yard for their return.

Gradually, the netizen began to prepare food every day for this adorable little friend.

Like a scheduled appointment, they would open the door early to welcome the cat, catering to all its needs. Isn’t it heartwarming to see such a bond form between a human and a neighborhood cat?

Have you ever experienced a similar furry friendship?

Flower Delivery Kitty

In a charming tale similar to our friendly white cat, there’s a cat named Willow from the UK. If the name doesn’t ring a bell, perhaps you recall the viral sensation known as the “flower-delivering kitten.”

Unlike other kitties, Willow has a unique habit of bringing a beautiful pink flower as a gift during her visits to the neighbors. Between every two rows of houses, there are gardens, brimming with pink flowers from early spring.

Rosie, a new resident, noticed that every few weeks, a few flowers would appear at her doorstep. Initially, she thought they were blown over by the wind. Her astonishment was palpable when one day, while cooking, she saw a cat placing a pink flower at her door.

Rosie exclaimed, “I was so excited because the cat was just too adorable. I only knew about cats bringing dead prey to their owners, never such a romantic and cute gesture.”

What surprised Rosie even more was that Willow wasn’t exclusively gifting her. From her neighbors, she learned that Willow was the darling of several houses in the area. The cat had claimed about six gardens as her territory, treating the residents as her family.

Willow enjoys sleeping in the corridors, sometimes meowing at glass doors until someone lets her in. She’ll nap on neighbors’ sofas as if she’s in her own home, loves playing with everyone, and craves their affection.

The residents have been completely charmed by this adorable cat. Many have prepared cardboard boxes and cat food around their homes, treating Willow as their own beloved pet.

In this story, ownership doesn’t matter anymore. It’s about the love and joy that a community cat like Willow can bring. Have you ever had a community cat that everyone adored?

Harvey Wells

I am an intense cool pets lover. I have tortoises, tarantulas and a few other exotic pets. And I would love to share what I have learned.

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