If You Throw a Spider Out, Will it Come Back?

If You Throw a Spider Out, Will it Come Back?

If you throw a spider out, will it come back? Do they know where home is? If a spider is in your room and you place it outside, what will happen? 

This is a simple answer. Spiders don’t see well, so if they are moved or thrown, they adapt to the new environment, most of the time. 

But, if the spider has built a web, then possibly it can follow its pheromones to find its way home. It is rare but a possibility. 

As spiders have difficulty visually, pheromones are the only way to explain the phenomena of returning to the same environment.

If You Throw a Spider Out Will it Come Back

If You Throw a Spider Will it Come Back?

Spiders find each other by using pheromones. Males especially are attracted to females by the scent of her pheromones. 

The hunting spiders — AKA those who use a burrow or hunt on the forest floor — do have excellent sight. 

However, it’s impossible to know if they use their sight to find their way back home or if they follow the pheromones. 

So, if you were blind and didn’t know where you were, would you find your way back home if you were moved or thrown? Probably not.

How Do Pheromones Work?

Pheromones are chemicals that any organism emits. It’s even suggested humans have pheromones too. 

Other animals of the same species are attracted to the smell of these pheromones. 

Most pheromones are noted to be related to sexual attraction, although some believe they are used for other purposes.

Pheromones are emitted to attract the opposite sex in a species. In the case of spiders, pheromones are emitted on the string of their silk. 

In case studies, males have been observed following the silk of a female. But, if the silk is obtained and has no pheromones attached, the male doesn’t respond to it. 

Male spiders are known to have pheromones on their pedipalps. 

The pedipalps are the organs containing sperm. It’s possible that a female spider may recognize this pheromone and react to it as well. 

Pheromones can be used as a sexual attraction but may also be responsible for some spiders’ ability to return to the same environment. 

Some research has been done in this area but it’s definitely understudied. 

Does Killing a Spider Attract More Spiders?

Some say pheromones are not simply for sexual attraction.  There is much confusion in this area as limited research is available. 

Is it possible a pheromone is released when a spider dies? Many people believe a spider leaves a pheromone behind when it dies. 

Could this actually be happening? Anything is possible. 

Many spider enthusiasts believe when a spider is killed, squashed or dies on its own, that they notice more spiders attracted to the same location. 

It’s possible spiders are attracted to the pheromone. Some spiders are cannibalistic and eat other spiders. Therefore, the attraction to the pheromone may be a call for dinner. 

Others state the pheromone is a signal to other spiders to stay away from the danger in the area. 

Still, others say the pheromone tells other spiders to live here as it’s a suitable environment for prey.

And, that’s if  it’s true about a spider releasing a pheromone when it dies. Gives you a lot to think about, doesn’t it? 

Also read Do Pet Tarantulas Keep Other Bugs and Spiders Away?

Should I Kill a Spider or Release it Outdoors?

As creepy and scary as spiders are, most spiders can’t pierce a human’s skin, even if they want to. Their fangs simply aren’t sharp enough. 

But, the brown recluse and the black widow spiders are a different story. Their venom can be toxic to humans. But, having said that, most spiders won’t harm you.

Spiders naturally eat other insects. Some spiders are believed to feast on bats and some people have observed a spider feeding on a bird trapped in the web. 

All scientists will tell you killing a spider only will increase the amount of other pests around your home.

But, releasing a spider outdoors may be a death sentence too. There are species of spiders called house spiders. 

These spiders have adapted to life indoors and don’t know how to fend for themselves outdoors. The best answer is to leave the spider alone as it is likely harmless.

Spiders don’t feed on humans at all. The spider in your house is there to get warm or is used to living indoors. Or maybe it came in through the open door while it was hunting. 

Besides, there is probably more than one spider in your home. 

It has been said you’re within ten feet of a spider at all times. That’s a lot of spiders. 

Spiders are needed in our world to take care of all the other pests we don’t like. It helps keep infestations to a minimum. And, some spiders may live outdoors if you release them. 

The thought of having a bunch of spiders in your home may give you shivers, but they truly are harmless and merely want to be left alone.

Why Does a Spider Run Towards Me?

It appears a spider rushes toward you, but due to its vision, a spider probably doesn’t know where you are. 

If you are striking at the spider, it is trying to find a safe place to hide. A spider can only observe less than 2 meters in front of itself. Another theory is the spider is protecting itself. 

This theory doesn’t pan out because spiders aren’t aggressive or retaliatory animals. 

Most spiders want to get quiet and tucked away from the danger. If you leave the spider alone, it will go on its merry way. 

People often wonder about spider infestations. But, spiders live a solitary life. Some spiders will hunt other spiders on their turf and attempt to kill them. 

While spiders lay a significant amount of eggs, the environment can’t handle too many spiders in one area. 

When spiders hatch, the hatchlings will disburse to find an environment to support themselves.  An environment with prey in abundance is what it is looking for. 

Most female spiders die after laying the last egg or die shortly after the hatchlings are mature enough to be on their own. 

This process takes about a week. During this time, the female keeps the hatchlings close to her. She will even stop if a hatchling falls off her abdomen. 

A few female spiders can live longer than this. There is a species, like the tarantula, which can live for up to 30 years. But most spiders live only one to two years. Male spiders aren’t so lucky.

The male spider is often known to die after mating. While it’s true, some females will eat the male after mating, it can be the male was weakened after copulation. 

Another theory is the female eats the male as it will need extra protein to ensure fertilization of her eggs. 

Final Word

So, spiders do live inside and actually are harmless. They are solitary creatures and want to be left alone. 

Most spiders will not bite unless they are surprised or feel threatened, so the best thing to do is to leave them alone.

You could release them outdoors but some may die and due to pheromones some may find their way back indoors. 

Spiders will take care of many of the pests around your home for you. Spiders are alway around. 

So, even though they are creepy, crawly, infinitesimal creatures, they can be helpful in keeping our environment pest free. 

Harvey Wells

I am an intense cool pets lover. I have tortoises, tarantulas and a few other exotic pets. And I would love to share what I have learned.

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