How to Tell if a Tarantula is Male or Female: A Quick Guide

As a tarantula owner, one of the most important things to know is how to determine the gender of your spider. While it may seem like a daunting task, there are several ways to identify if your tarantula is male or female. In this article, I will guide you through the process of sexing your tarantula and provide you with tips to make the process easy and stress-free.

Understanding tarantulas and their sexual maturity is crucial when it comes to identifying their gender. Tarantulas are sexually dimorphic, which means that males and females have distinct physical differences. Males are typically smaller and have longer legs than females, while females have larger abdomens and shorter legs. Additionally, tarantulas reach sexual maturity at different ages depending on their species, so it’s important to know when your tarantula is ready to mate.

Identifying male and female tarantulas can be done through several methods, including examining the exoskeleton after molting and looking for the presence of a spermathecae in females. By understanding the differences between male and female tarantulas, you can confidently determine the gender of your spider.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding tarantulas and their sexual maturity is crucial for identifying their gender
  • Examining the exoskeleton after molting and looking for the presence of a spermathecae in females are effective methods for sexing tarantulas
  • Knowing the differences between male and female tarantulas is important for confidently determining the gender of your spider.

Understanding Tarantulas

Tarantulas are fascinating creatures that belong to the spider family. They are known for their large size and hairy bodies, which can be intimidating to some people. However, tarantulas are generally docile and make great pets for those who are interested in keeping them.

There are many species of tarantulas, each with its own unique characteristics. Some of the most popular species include the Brachypelma albopilosum, Brachypelma smithi, and Grammostola rosea.

Tarantulas are predators, and they feed on insects, small rodents, and other small animals. They are also prey for larger animals such as birds and reptiles.

One of the most interesting things about tarantulas is their ability to regenerate lost limbs. If a tarantula loses a leg or a pedipalp, it can grow a new one during its next molt.

Sexual Maturity in Tarantulas

As a tarantula owner, it’s important to understand the sexual maturity of your pet. Sexual maturity is when a tarantula is capable of reproducing. It’s essential to know when your tarantula has reached this stage, especially if you’re planning to breed them.

Mature tarantulas can be identified by their size and physical characteristics. Males are generally smaller than females and have longer legs. They also have tibial spurs and emboli, which are used for mating. Females, on the other hand, are larger and have a more robust body structure.

Tarantulas reach sexual maturity at different ages, depending on the species. Some species can reach maturity in just a few months, while others may take several years. It’s important to research your particular species to determine when they will reach sexual maturity.

Once a male tarantula reaches sexual maturity, they will begin to produce sperm and construct sperm webs. They will also begin to wander around in search of a mate. However, it’s important to note that male tarantulas have a shorter lifespan than females and typically only live for a year or two after reaching maturity.

Female tarantulas become sexually mature at about 75% of their maximum size. They do not display any specific behaviors when they are ready to mate. However, it’s important to note that females can live for several years after reaching sexual maturity.

Identifying Male Tarantulas

When it comes to identifying male tarantulas, there are a few key physical characteristics to look out for. One of the most significant differences between male and female tarantulas is their size. Male tarantulas are generally smaller than females, with slimmer abdomens and longer legs. However, this is not always a reliable indicator of gender, as there are some species where males are larger than females.

Another way to identify male tarantulas is by looking at their pedipalps, also known as palps. These are the two appendages located near the tarantula’s mouth. In mature male tarantulas, the pedipalps will have hooks on the end, which are used to transfer sperm during mating. The presence of these hooks is a clear sign that the tarantula is male.

Male tarantulas also exhibit certain mating behaviors that can help you identify their gender. For example, males will often wander in search of a mate, while females tend to stay in one place. During mating, the male will approach the female and use his pedipalps to transfer sperm. After mating, the male will usually die, while the female will lay eggs and care for her offspring.

It’s worth noting that identifying male tarantulas can be tricky, particularly with younger specimens. If you’re unsure about the gender of your tarantula, it’s always best to seek advice from an experienced tarantula keeper or veterinarian.

Identifying Female Tarantulas

When it comes to tarantulas, it can be difficult to determine their gender just by looking at them. However, there are a few physical characteristics that can help you identify a female tarantula.

One of the most obvious signs of a female tarantula is her larger, rounder abdomen. This is because females are the ones that store the eggs and are less active than males. Their “booty” is quite plump, making it easier to spot without a side-by-side comparison.

Another key feature to look for is the presence of spermathecae, which are small, white, kidney-shaped organs located on the underside of the abdomen. These organs are used to store sperm after mating, and are only found in female tarantulas.

If you are interested in breeding your tarantula, it is important to note that a mature female tarantula will develop an egg sac after mating. This is a sign that she is ready to lay her eggs, and it is important to provide her with a suitable environment to do so.

Differences Between Male and Female Tarantulas

As a tarantula owner or enthusiast, it is essential to know how to tell if your tarantula is male or female. There are several differences between male and female tarantulas that can help you determine their gender. Here are some of the most notable differences:


One of the most noticeable differences between male and female tarantulas is their size. Female tarantulas tend to be larger than males. This is because female tarantulas need to be big enough to store eggs and care for their offspring. Male tarantulas, on the other hand, are smaller and more agile, which helps them find mates.


Male tarantulas generally have a shorter lifespan than females. This is because male tarantulas usually die shortly after mating, while females can live for several years after laying their eggs. Therefore, if you want a long-term pet, it’s best to get a female tarantula.


Male and female tarantulas also exhibit different behaviors. Male tarantulas are more active and tend to move around more than females. This is because they need to find a mate. Female tarantulas, on the other hand, are more sedentary and tend to stay in one place. This is because they need to protect their eggs and offspring.

Mating Behaviors

Male and female tarantulas have different mating behaviors. Male tarantulas will often approach a female and use their pedipalps to transfer sperm. Female tarantulas, on the other hand, will lay eggs after mating and care for their offspring. It’s important to note that male tarantulas can be aggressive during mating, so it’s best to keep them separated unless you’re breeding them.

Molting and Sexing Tarantulas

When it comes to determining the gender of a tarantula, molting is an essential process to keep in mind. During molting, a tarantula sheds its exoskeleton, which can reveal important information about its gender.

One way to determine the gender of a tarantula is by examining its exuviae, or the molted exoskeleton. The exuviae can provide a clear view of the tarantula’s genitalia, which can help identify its gender. However, this method is not always reliable, as the exuviae can be damaged during the molting process.

Another method is by ventral sexing, which involves examining the underside of the tarantula. Female tarantulas have a genital opening located on the underside of their abdomen, while males have a pair of epiandrous fusillae, which are small, finger-like appendages.

It’s important to note that ventral sexing can be challenging, especially for inexperienced tarantula owners. It requires a steady hand and a good understanding of tarantula anatomy. If you’re unsure about ventral sexing, it’s best to consult with an experienced tarantula breeder or veterinarian.

In general, male tarantulas tend to be smaller and more agile than females. They also have longer legs and a narrower abdomen. Female tarantulas, on the other hand, are larger and more robust, with shorter legs and a wider abdomen.

Tarantulas as Pets

As a tarantula owner, I can attest to the fact that these eight-legged creatures make fascinating pets. However, before you decide to get one, there are a few things you need to know.

First, it’s important to understand that tarantulas are not like traditional pets. They don’t crave attention or affection, and they won’t come running to you when you call their name. They are solitary creatures that prefer to be left alone. That being said, they are still interesting animals to observe and care for.

When it comes to housing your tarantula, you’ll need to provide them with a suitable environment. Depending on the species, tarantulas may require a burrow or web to feel secure. It’s important to research the specific needs of your tarantula to ensure they have the proper housing.

For substrate, terrestrial tarantulas need about 6 inches of material so that they can create burrows, while arboreal tarantulas only need about 2 inches. This should be a high-quality, moisture-retaining substrate like coconut fiber. On top of the substrate, you should place a suitable tarantula hide, a water dish, and a fake plant or two.

It’s also important to note that tarantulas can live for a long time. Females can live up to 20 years, while males typically only live for a few years after reaching maturity. So, if you’re considering getting a tarantula as a pet, make sure you’re ready for a long-term commitment.

Lastly, if you’re interested in getting a tarantula, I highly recommend starting with a spiderling. They are easier to care for and less intimidating than adult tarantulas. Plus, watching them grow and mature is a fascinating experience.

Community and Resources

When it comes to tarantulas, there is a vibrant community of hobbyists and enthusiasts out there who are happy to share their knowledge and experience with others. If you’re new to the hobby, or just looking to learn more about tarantulas, there are plenty of resources available to you.

Forums are a great place to start. There are many active tarantula forums online where you can connect with other enthusiasts, ask questions, and share your experiences. Some popular forums include Arachnoboards and Tarantula Forum. These forums are a great place to get advice on everything from tarantula care to breeding.

In addition to forums, there are also many websites and blogs dedicated to tarantulas. These sites often have detailed care sheets, information on different species, and articles on a variety of topics related to tarantulas. Some popular tarantula websites include Tarantula Canada, The Tarantula Keeper’s Guide, and The Tarantula Collective.

If you prefer more direct communication, there are also many tarantula enthusiasts who are happy to chat with others through messaging apps or social media. Facebook groups are a great place to connect with other tarantula enthusiasts, and there are also many tarantula Discord servers out there.

Finally, if you’re just starting out and looking for some basic information on tarantulas, your web browser is your friend. There are many informative articles and videos out there that can help you get started with tarantula care. Just be sure to double-check your sources and make sure you’re getting information from a reputable source.

Overall, the tarantula community is a welcoming and friendly group of people who are passionate about these amazing creatures. Whether you’re a seasoned hobbyist or just getting started, there are plenty of resources available to help you learn more about tarantulas and provide the best care possible for your eight-legged friends.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you tell if a tarantula is male or female without molting?

It can be difficult to determine the gender of a tarantula without molting, but there are a few methods that can be used. One way is to look at the tarantula’s body size and shape. Females tend to be larger and more robust, while males are usually smaller and slimmer. Another method is to look at the tarantula’s leg length. Males tend to have longer legs relative to their body size than females do. However, these methods are not always reliable, and the only way to be certain of a tarantula’s gender is to examine its molt.

How do you tell the difference between male and female pink toe tarantulas?

Pink toe tarantulas, also known as Avicularia avicularia, are sexually dimorphic, which means that males and females have different physical characteristics. In general, females are larger and more robust than males, with a broader abdomen and shorter legs. Males, on the other hand, are smaller and more slender, with longer legs and a narrower abdomen. Additionally, males have a distinctive “boxing glove” shape at the end of their pedipalps, which they use to transfer sperm to the female during mating.

Are there any physical differences between male and female tarantulas?

Yes, there are physical differences between male and female tarantulas. In general, females are larger and more robust than males, with a broader abdomen and shorter legs. Males, on the other hand, are smaller and more slender, with longer legs and a narrower abdomen. Additionally, males have a distinctive “boxing glove” shape at the end of their pedipalps, which they use to transfer sperm to the female during mating.

Can you determine the gender of a tarantula based on its behavior?

No, you cannot determine the gender of a tarantula based on its behavior. Both male and female tarantulas can exhibit similar behaviors, such as aggression, wandering, and webbing. The only way to be certain of a tarantula’s gender is to examine its molt or look for physical differences between males and females.

Is it important to know the gender of your tarantula?

Yes, it is important to know the gender of your tarantula for several reasons. For example, if you want to breed your tarantula, you will need to know its gender in order to pair it with a suitable mate. Additionally, male and female tarantulas may have different care requirements, such as feeding schedules and enclosure size. Finally, knowing your tarantula’s gender can help you understand its behavior and anticipate any potential issues.

Are male or female tarantulas more commonly kept as pets?

Both male and female tarantulas are commonly kept as pets, and there is no clear preference for one gender over the other. However, some species of tarantulas are more commonly available in one gender than the other, depending on their breeding habits and availability in the pet trade. Ultimately, the gender of your tarantula should not be the primary factor in your decision to keep it as a pet.

Harvey Wells

I am an intense cool pets lover. I have tortoises, tarantulas and a few other exotic pets. And I would love to share what I have learned.

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